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Top hotels for geeks

Top hotels for geeks

HotelChatter has come out with its picks for the top hotels for geeks, and I must be one, because I got awfully excited about things like the switch in The Eccelston Square Hotel bathrooms that turns the glass from see-through to opaque, and the Eden Hotel's batcave.

But what's really sweet for small meetings are the soon-to-debut Time Square Yotel's Studiyo meeting/yoga spaces, and its Club Cabins, which according to HotelCHatter (I couldn't find it on Yotel's Web site, which is, while cool to look at, really hard to navigate) "are available to rent by the hour or the day (rates are still TBD) and feature white leather banquette seating, a coffee table that can flip out to a full-sized table, a flat-screen TV and a video game console. It's also wired to work for both business presentations and get this, karaoke."


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