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CMI 25

Ashfield Meetings & Events: 2020 CMI 25

Ashfield Meetings & Events

Fort Washington, Pa.

Corporate meetings in 2019: 2,104
Incentive travel programs in 2019: 6
Top customer markets: pharmaceutical/healthcare, academia/education, manufacturing, distribution

The Latest

❚ Ashfield began 2020 with new faces on its leadership team, including Jason Erickson, who was promoted to global managing director, and Steve Sanders, who joined the company as global finance director. 
❚ The company has moved its headquarters location to Fort Washington, Pa., 20 minutes from its old home in Ivyland, Pa.
❚ To help clients innovate around online and hybrid meetings and conferences, Ashfield has created a guide called “The Ashfield Formula for Virtual Success,” covering project management, choosing the right technology platform, and more.
❚ In mid-2019, Ashfield published “The Science of Healthcare Congresses,” a study of more than 200 healthcare professionals from Europe and the U.S. that revealed HCPs preferences around meetings and conferences.
❚ The company reports continued growth of its sister agency, Spark Thinking, which delivers meetings and live events to clients outside the healthcare industry. 


Gavin Houston 4.png
Gavin Houston, Global Chief Operating Officer
Jason Erickson, Global Managing Director

More Stats

Full-time employees: 169
Room nights booked for meetings and incentives in 2019: 486,900
Meeting and incentive travel programs held outside the U.S.: 22%
Revenue from planning and executing meetings and incentives: 87%


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