Fort Washington, Pa.
Ashfield Event Experiences
Company News
• In January 2021, global healthcare event management business, Ashfield Meetings & Events, rebranded to become Ashfield Event Experiences.
• Ashfield Event Experiences and the International Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association have completed two studies to discover what global healthcare professionals think about virtual medical congresses. The goal of the research was to identify which elements of traditional, in-person congresses HCPs say have been successfully replicated in virtual events. The organizations first partnered in September 2020 on Healthcare Professionals’ Experiences of Virtual Events, and the follow-up research took place in December. A report and an infographic comparing how the responses changed over time came out in spring 2021.
Gavin Houston, Global President
Joanne Brook, Global SVP Client Engagement
Penny Callaghan,
Global SVP Operations & Business Services
Optimize Opportunities
“We believe that we’ll see a more blended learning journey in the future. Virtual meetings have proven their value and businesses will now redistribute their budget to optimize opportunities. Many people working in the pharma, life-science, and health and wellbeing space no longer want to travel as frequently. Video and virtual are very powerful communication tools, and it’s likely that agendas will be developed to reflect a focus on interpersonal connection, with more pre- and post-event communication helping deliver the message.” —Gavin Houston, President