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New Handbook: Event Risk and Crisis Management

ASAE collaborated with two risk- and security-focused societies to create a free guide for organizational leaders and event planners.

In late July, the American Society of Association Executives published a comprehensive toolkit to help association leaders navigate the various elements of risk and crisis management.

The Associations’ Guide to Risk and Crisis Management was produced in collaboration with the leading association on risk— RIMS, the risk management society—and security—ASIS International. Their tools and frameworks were central in developing
the guide and will help raise associations’ capabilities around risk and crisis management.

ASAE notes that meeting safety ranks as a top risk for associations. As a result, the toolkit takes a deep dive into meeting safety through a case study provided by RIMS and through insights from ASAE’s association survey plus other collaboration with Destinations International, which has analyzed risk and crisis management at events from the perspective of host destinations.

Related article: Evolving Risk Management for Events, Straight from the Source

“In today’s unpredictable environment, robust risk and crisis-management planning is essential to safeguard the safety of attendees and overall success of association meetings,” said ASAE President and CEO Michelle Mason, FASAE, CAE. “Proactive strategies and preparedness not only mitigate potential threats but also instill confidence and resilience within the association community.”

The Associations’ Guide to Risk and Crisis Management is designed to help associations:

• Assess where they stand in comparison to peers on the risk and safety spectrum, providing them with benchmarks and insights

• Understand the critical terms and concepts related to risk, emergency, and crisis management, ensuring teams are well-versed in the language and practices of effective crisis management

• Learn how to initiate an enterprise approach to risk and crisis management tailored to the unique context of associations, setting a foundation for future resilience

Association leaders can download a free copy of the guide here.

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