“I have so much respect for meeting planners. What you do is critical to our success,” said Jeff Duckworth, president, retail distribution, at John Hancock Investments. Duckworth leads a team of wholesalers and sales representatives...
You know your meeting’s attendees. You even love them—well OK, some of them. But are you unintentionally doing them a disservice? As a frequent meeting-goer, here are some traps I see planners fall into all too often. But they don't have to!
The planners and hospitality partners who gather at Financial & Insurance Conference Planners events could hardly be a more congenial group. Both sides are experienced and professional, they’re focused on the long term, they enjoy...
Big data is big news for most industries these days—even, or perhaps especially, for meeting professionals. You can use the data you generate to measure how well your event is performing against your organization’s goals and objectives, and to he...