Today's guest post is by Jason Tucker, digital marketing executive with Organic Development, on behalf of Meetings Four You, which provides conference venues in Oxford and across the UK.
There's more to building buzz than just publicizing ...
Picture yourself sitting in a lecture with a presenter who drones on, reading from his notes and not making eye contact with the audience. Then picture yourself sitting in a more TED-like session, where an engaging speaker grabs your attention and...
Nashville kicked off the opening of its 1.2 million square-foot Music City Center in style yesterday with a massive public open house that included public tours, lectures on various aspects of the building, and live music on the plaza featuring...
Traveling yesterday from Boston Logan to Nashville via Newark was, as air travel is all too often these days, an adventure. Permit me to whine for a moment.....
Image by Master isolated images
I was struck by the first line of a recent post by Velvet Chainsaw's Jeff Hurt (emphasis is mine): "In order to be successful in the 21st Century, organizations must make continuous learning and unlearning a core...
There's more to learning than just lectures
I love that Meeting Professionals International has rethought its session tracks along the lines of learning preferences for its upcoming annual conference. So instead of marking sessions just by topi...