“Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” is the theme of the World’s Fair in Dubai that was originally scheduled to open this fall. But because of the risk of COVID-19 contagion, the event has been postponed and will run from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.
The expo site, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is ready and includes multiple meeting spaces. Al Wasl Plaza, the groundbreaking 10,000-capacity globe constructed of projection screens and steel trellis to broadcast inside events onto the outside, and Exhibition Centre North and South, which together create one of the world’s largest convention centers, are just two of the many meeting venues and more than 20 performance spaces. A new train line and station has been built for the expected 25 million visitors, who will now arrive next year to see pavilions showcasing innovation from 132 countries.
The mega-event is likely the largest to be affected by the global pandemic and is the first World Expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa, or South Asia.